Number 1: Security
The dog carrier bag is above all useful if you are looking for a way to be able to take your dog everywhere with you, in safety .
Indeed, carrier bags are, logically, exclusively reserved for small dogs.
In crowded areas, your dog could be at a lot of risk if left on the floor because people don't necessarily pay attention to what's going on on the floor.
So in a transport bag you ensure the safety of your furball .
Number 2: Comfort
The dog carrier is also very useful if you want to provide optimal comfort for your dog when taking him with you to public places.
Indeed, wherever you go; whether at the restaurant, with friends, shopping or other, you will always have something reassuring with you for your dog that will allow him to be calm, in his cozy little nest.
Thus, your dog will recognize his bag and will be much less stressed in public places because he will have his own place to take refuge and sleep peacefully .
Number 3: Protection against the cold
The dog carrier is also very useful if you want to protect your dog from the cold in winter . Provided, of course, that you choose a carrying bag suitable for this time of year.
As you should know, small dogs, especially those with short hair, are often very chilly and therefore very sensitive to the cold.
By acquiring a transport bag designed for this period, you will be sure that your dog will never be cold again during your winter outings.

Number 4: Style
The dog carrier is also, let's face it, a fashion accessory for you!
Provided that you choose one that matches your own style and embellishes your outfit.
This is precisely one of the essential rules at Mélissa Fendrich Créations . When a carrier bag is designed, style and aesthetics are always considered.
Something to please you too, when you offer a transport bag to your furry ball.
Do not hesitate to visit the online store to see the models of dog carriers still available.