What foods are toxic to my dog?

Quels sont les aliments toxiques pour mon chien ? - melissafendrichcreations

Avocado: leaf, fruit and seed 🥑

Since toxic doses are not determined, it is best to avoid your dog ingesting avocado altogether.

Digestive disturbances will usually occur several hours after ingestion. It will be urgent to consult a veterinarian.

Potatoes: raw, sprouted or green 🥔

Cooked potatoes, on the other hand, do not represent a danger for the animal.

Raw or green potatoes would be toxic from 30g/kg.

The grape: fresh and dry 🍇

Fresh grapes begin to be toxic from 10g per kg, i.e. 1 or 2 grapes only.

The dry reason is much more toxic because much more concentrated.

Onions, garlic, shallots and leeks: raw or cooked 🧅🧄

They begin to be toxic from 5 to 10g per kilo of body weight.

Pits and pips

The pits and pips release a toxic substance when crushed.

Once ingested, if they are crushed, they can therefore prove to be fatal.

Chocolate 🍫

Chocolate is known to be very toxic for the dog. Especially dark chocolate.

60 kg of chocolate for a 10 kg dog could kill him.

macadamia nuts

A single macadamia nut can be enough to poison your dog.

Indeed, from 2g per kilo, the macadamia nut becomes toxic.

Obviously, this list is not exhaustive. If you have the slightest doubt, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian and/or the poison control centre.

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